
Amber Trip Art Jewellery Competition: Inclusive


We have chosen this INCLUSIVE theme for the Amber Trip art jewellery contest.
The comparison to the world in which we live is evident. We all strive to do justice to all our fellow human beings, and look for inclusiveness for people of color, black and white. But we also do not want to exclude people who think differently, or with different gender identities, from queer to trans. All forms and colors are welcome.
We think that on this INCLUSIVE theme a jewelry maker can indulge to their heart's content, from color to meaning and interpretation. Many makers were inspired by the INCLUSIVE theme to participate in this exhibition with new work.
Chairman of Jury: Ruudt Peters
Other Jury members: Giedymin Jablonski, Laima Kėrienė, Jurgita Ludavičienė.



???? Grand Prix: “Am I Seen?” by Into Niilo - A powerful piece questioning visibility and identity in restrictive societies. 

???? Best Amber/Jewellery: “Amber” by Babette von Dohnanyi - A homage to amber’s natural beauty, bridging past and present with its luminous design. 

???? Best Object: “Tezure” by Indrė Armanavičiūtė - Exploring the impact of human touch on material, symbolizing connection and the marks we leave. 

???? Public Voice: “Karalius Nuogas!” by Daina Vanagaitė Belžakienė - A satirical commentary on vanity and truth, challenging perceptions of power.

???? Amber Trip organizers team choice: "Mont de Vénus" by  Boix-Vives - for choice of materials.

???? Honorary mention by jury member Laima Keriene: "Inside and Outside" by Azin Soltani.